Apple iPhone 7 – Balloons

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 29 Sep 2016 | POSTED ON 27 October 2016

ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording

His voice floating higher than Apple’s iPhone balloons, New York’s Toulouse reinvents a 1963 pop hit he first heard in the 1992 movie Sister Act.


Apple iPhone 7 – Midnight

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 29 Sep 2016 | POSTED ON 26 October 2016

ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording

Former Vampire Weekend and Walkmen stars to come out at night for an Apple iPhone ad which insomniacs may find darkly appealing.


Apple iPhone7 – Morning Ride

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 18 Sep 2016 | POSTED ON 19 October 2016

ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording

There’s thunder, lightning and arpeggiators at dawn when Apple roll out Australian heavyweights AC/DC in support of its new iPhone 7 model.


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