Innocent – Mango Juice

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 04 May 2014 | POSTED ON 12 May 2014

ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording

Listen carefully and Bonnie Tyler’s 1983 smash will tell you how its mango ripening process makes Innocent fruit juice drinks so special.


Lucozade – YES Moment

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 09 Feb 2014 | POSTED ON 23 February 2014

ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording

Lucozade reasserts its street credentials with some ‘underground booty bass’ (© NME) by rapper turned catwalk model Dominique Young Unique.


Pepsi – Friend

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 09 Aug 2013 | POSTED ON 30 August 2013

ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording

Covering Generation X’s 1980 electropunk classic, French chill-out scene setters Nouvelle Vague say you’re never alone with a Pepsi.


Coca Cola – Grandfather

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 14 Aug 2013 | POSTED ON 30 August 2013

ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording

The Tom Jones chart-topper dates from 1965 but sounds timeless in an Argentinian Coca Cola clip which cleverly spans the generation gap.


Vimto – Lowrider

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 31 May 2013 | POSTED ON 29 July 2013

ADVERT CATEGORY: Repeat Performances

The vibe is all American but this lowriding Vimto classic was made in Cheshire, from the top to local hiphop act Box Bottom.


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