Vimto Remix – Toad Off

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 03 Jun 2016 | POSTED ON 19 June 2016

ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording

Manchester’s family-run soft drink firm Vimto looks no further than its own backyard for the soundtrack to its latest Toad Off campaign.


Pepsi – Blue Card

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 24 Feb 2016 | POSTED ON 9 March 2016

ADVERT CATEGORY: Commissions and Re-Records

Pepsi signs up former Sneaker Pimp David Westlake and young rapper Johnny Voltik to soundtrack a midnight kickabout with the stars.


Coca-Cola – Anthem

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 22 Jan 2016 | POSTED ON 5 February 2016

ADVERT CATEGORY: Commissions and Re-Records

The Sewell siblings are on the up Down Under: sister Grace owned the recent House of Fraser ad and now brother Conrad feels it for Coke.


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