Finish – Dishes

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 08 Apr 2015 | POSTED ON 17 April 2015

ADVERT CATEGORY: Commissions and Re-Records

A punchy piece from composer Alex Baranowski and the London Metropolitan Orchestra polishes Finish’s dirty dishes promo to perfection.


Tesco – Daz

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 04 Feb 2015 | POSTED ON 13 February 2015

It’s come in for a lot of stick recently, so let’s hope a Daz offer plus Ian Dury’s 1979 signature smash helps clean up Tesco’s reputation.


Calor – One Day

ORIGINAL AIR DATE 18 Nov 2014 | POSTED ON 19 December 2014

ADVERT CATEGORY: Commissions and Re-Records

With an attention-grabbing tune from Tonic Music, Calor are out to prove that gas is always greener on the other side of the grid!


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