Sector: Confectionary
There are 58 adverts in our database for this category
From Cadbury’s and Thorntons to Kinder and Kit Kat, Adbreak Anthems’ Database of UK TV Advert Music tracks the best confectionary campaigns
Milka – The Time Machine
ORIGINAL AIR DATE 11 Nov 2016 | POSTED ON 25 November 2016
ADVERT CATEGORY: Commissions and Re-Records
London-based composer Philip Kay captures the mood of those young Milka alpine villagers for whom Christmas simply can’t come quickly enough.
Thorntons – Pass The Love On
ORIGINAL AIR DATE 11 Nov 2016 | POSTED ON 24 November 2016
ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording
Chocolatiers of choice? That’s the message The Coral’s soft-centred Top 5 hit from 2003 hopes to pass on in this toothsome Thorntons ad.
Milka – Lost & Found
ORIGINAL AIR DATE 22 Sep 2016 | POSTED ON 14 October 2016
ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording
Milka’s mini-drama soundtrack, by French composer Valentin Hadjadj was first heard in the cartoon movie April And The Extraordinary World.
Cadbury – Double Decker: Obey Your Mouth
ORIGINAL AIR DATE 05 Sep 2016 | POSTED ON 29 September 2016
ADVERT CATEGORY: Commissions and Re-Records
North Londone tunesmiths Robin Stout and Liam Westbrook tap into the funny side of Cadbury’s touching teenage romance.
Kinder Chocobons – Taste Test
ORIGINAL AIR DATE 01 Sep 2016 | POSTED ON 21 September 2016
ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording
Meghan Trainor’s lip smacking contribution to Kinder’s chocobon taste test is guaranteed to bring out every woman’s inner child!
Maynards Bassetts Jelly Babies – A Squidgy Intermission: Trampoline
ORIGINAL AIR DATE 25 May 2016 | POSTED ON 8 September 2016
ADVERT CATEGORY: Commissions and Re-Records
Menlo Park Music matches the mood of Maynards Bassetts’ giant Jelly Babies bouncer with something suitably silly.
Wrigley’s Extra – Time To Shine: Wedding
ORIGINAL AIR DATE 12 Jul 2016 | POSTED ON 19 August 2016
ADVERT CATEGORY: Commissions and Re-Records
Less is certainly more when Adelphoi Music is asked to score a Wrigley’s Extra ad about a girl with a mind of her own.
Mars – Believe
ORIGINAL AIR DATE 20 May 2016 | POSTED ON 6 July 2016
ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording
What does choosing John Williams’ score from Spielberg’s less than successful comedy 1941 say about Mars’ faith in England’s football team?
Maltesers – Look on the Light Side : Lou Sanders
ORIGINAL AIR DATE 15 Jun 2016 | POSTED ON 1 July 2016
ADVERT CATEGORY: Commissions and Re-Records
A little retro library music goes a long way in a marvelously post-Modern Maltesers’ ad voiced by stand up comedienne Lou Sanders.
Cadbury Dairy Milk – Dog In Side Car
ORIGINAL AIR DATE 08 May 2016 | POSTED ON 25 May 2016
ADVERT CATEGORY: Licensed Recording
Has Cadbury Dairy Milk’s jaw-dropping Dog In A Side Car spot made a dream come true for US DIY metal band Quixote?