Welcome to adbreakanthems latest feature New Tube | New Music. Here we offer you an up-to-the minute guide to all the young, alternative, largely unknown or, in some cases, unsigned bands and artists whose music has served to keep the commercial breaks sounding fresh and exciting over the last few weeks. Your guide this month is Owen Lloyd, with added material provided by Nichola Thompson.

Title: Into The Light
Record Company: Universal
Brand: Littlewoods
You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?V=bTrpMhXBvVE
Half-American, half-German, budding starlet Arlissa began writing music whilst studying at school in south London. The 21 year old had only crafted a handful of demos before she signed to London records and was picked up to Jay-Z’s Roc Nation for management. She’s certainly an artist who is to be found herself in all the right places - being the only British artist, other than the late Amy Winehouse, to have collaborated with American writer, rapper and actor Nas. This Indie princess looks set for big things and ticks all the right boxes by offering a highly polished, but nevertheless alternative, pop and electronica sound which should prove hugely commercial. Arlissa’s latest Universal single ‘Into the Light’ appears on Littlewoods’ ‘Autumn Fair’ commercial that propels each viewer on a journey through an old fashioned fairground full of fancy clothes, try your strength machines, cotton candy and of course Mylene Klass magic touch. The track is slick, hooky and as seamlessly produced as the CGI which help make this ad so appealing.
Link: http://arlissa.com/news/
Link: https://www.facebook.com/ArlissaMusic

Title: Ice Cream
Record Company: Warp Records
Brand: Bupa
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CdbdSlEWeI
Battles are an American experimental rock group made up of Ian Williams, Dave Konopka and John Stanier. Originally from New York the band favour a minimalist cacophony of synth and guitar lines often embellished with voice manipulation or featured singers. Battles initially released a handful of EPs on their own before signing to Warp Records and compiling them into an album under the title ‘EP C/B EP’ in early 2006. Now on their fourth collection, Battles have recently collaborated with Gary Numan and are cementing a reputation in sync circles as a go-to act for something off-the-wall. ‘Ice Cream’ is a single from the band’s third album ‘Gloss Drop’ and features vocalist Matias Aguayo. Private healthcare company Bupa recently used an instrumental passage from it for its ‘Mural’ spot. In this commercial Bupa interview a horde of children asking if they were to run a HealthCare company, what would it offer? The childlike simplicity of the guitar part introduces the advert perfectly and as the track builds in energy and pace it certainly paves the way for some fun-fuelled finger painting.
Link: http://bttls.com
Link: http://www.facebook.com/battlestheband

Ben Pearce
Title: What I Might Do
Record Company: MTA Records
Brand: Tesco’s F&F
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtBhzDt0IiA
British born DJ and Producer Ben Pearce began his career promoting and playing throughout Manchester, domineering the cities clubs with his Deep House sounds. With a youth spent immersed in heavy metal and pop punk, Pearce found electronica in his late teens and is still heavily influenced by these genres with them playing a big part in his distinctive sound. Aside from his musical endeavors, Pearce is the creative director and owner of label Purp & Soul which boasts an impressive roster of underground dance artists and has the knack of selling out showcases. Signed to the Chase and Status- owned MTA Records and distributed by Universal, Pearce’s single ‘What I Might Do’ is currently being used to advertise Tesco’s latest clothing collection F&F. It samples Anthony Hamilton’s under-exposed 2004 downhome soul cut ‘Cornbread, Fish and Collard Greens’ and dresses it in a contemporary, bass heavy dance rhythm which proved to be a huge club hit before finally crossing over into a bona fide Top 20 hit. This masterfully executed track certainly helps prove the point that Tesco’s new clothing is fit even for breakdancing… When worn by professionals of course.
Link: https://www.facebook.com/benpearcemusic

Crystal Fighters
Title: You & I
Record Company: Zirkulo
Brand: easyJet
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbrXv9bcv0Q
Crystal Fighters began their music industry journey in London in 2007. Creating dance-worthy Alternative Folktronica, this feisty six-piece consists of Sebastian Pringle, Gilbert Vierich, Mimi Borelli, Graham Dickson and Laure Stockley. Supposedly named after a half-written opera penned by a member’s insane dead uncle, the band was brought together by several chance encounters at parties across London, with many of the group having various other musical guises beforehand. Crystal Fighters’ predilection for rare or unusual instrumentation sees them wielding a wide array of synthetic and acoustic instruments such as a txalaparta (a wooden xylophone that requires two people to play). With two albums on their own Zirkulo Records label under their belts Crystal Fighters have proved popular with music programmers and supervisors with budget airline easyJet being the latestpulling their recent single ‘You & I’ onboard for their ‘Generation easyJet’ campaign. One of the band’s more acoustic numbers, its easy to understand why it’s light-hearted up-tempo lure was a good choice for instilling pleasant holiday nostalgia.
Link: http://www.crystalfighters.com/
Link: https://www.facebook.com/crystalfighters
Link: https://twitter.com/crystalfighters

Title: Youth
Record Company:Sony
Brand: Debenhams
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR3SBgJq3x8
Louisa Rose Allen is a young singer-songwriter from Southampton currently leaving wider audiences entranced by electric indie pop released under the pseudonym Foxes. Allen has already achieved acclaim in Dance circles thanks to a clutch of high-profile, pop charting collaborations with artists such as Zedd, Sub Focus, Fallout Boy and Rudimental. Determined to be more than just a featured singer, Allen is currently recording an album with Australian producer Sam Dixon - the brains behind Christina Aguilera’s Golden Globe nominated ‘Bound to you’. With three EPs currently in circulation through Sony, Foxes goes from strength to strength with her newly released single ‘ Youth’ licensed by department store chain Debenhams to advertise a new season of clothing under its ‘Unrivalled collection of designers’ banner. Blaring timpanis, a soulful vocal plus a host of electronic subtleties combine to make ‘Youth’ an intriguing backdrop to the department store’s new range. Allen makes a personal appearance as the commercial plays on the ominous lyric “Don’t tell me our youth is running out?” - making the point perhaps that we should wear some Betty Jackson or Jasper Conran before we’re too past it to care!
Link: http://www.iamfoxes.com/
Link: https://www.facebook.com/iamfoxes
Link: https://twitter.com/iamfoxes

Title: Pursuit
Record Company: Warner Music
Brand: Johnnie Walker
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQAgeNM0j74
Techno trendsetter Mike Lévy is a French artist, producer and DJ taken to calling himself Gersaffelstein. Originally from Lyon, he has remixed artists such as Tiga, Miss Kittin and Lana Del Rey as well as producing tracks for Kanye West credited alongside Daft Punk, Brodinski and Mike Dean. Lévy has created somewhat of a stir on the Parisian club circuit by creating intelligent brooding techno that, while still suitable for the dance floor, possesses an emotional undercurrent that gives it just that little bit more. In interviews he has expressed an affinity with Michel Amato (The Hacker) since both share interests in and been influenced by Kraftwerk, The Cure and Depeche Mode. Gersaffelstein releases his debut album ‘ALEPH’ through Warner’s Parlophone on October 28, and lead track ‘Pursuit’ has been licensed by scotch whiskey giant Johnnie Walker for its prophetic ‘From the Future’ campaign. All pulsing bass lines and wailing sirens which build to an effective crescendo, this track boasts unfathomable energy and certainly adds to the tension, drama and the unnerving ambiguity of this gripping commercial.
Link: http://www.gesaffelstein.net/
Link: https://www.facebook.com/gesaffelsteinmusic

Grizzly Bear
Title: Two Weeks
Record Company: Warp Records
Brand: You View
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlZCRUPGNvQ
Powerfully dark, brooding and ferocious, Grizzly Bear is a fitting title for Brooklyn, New York’s Edward Droste, Daniel Rossen, Chris Taylor and Christopher Bear and their folk-influenced psychedelic indie pop. Drawing on a wider array of traditional and contemporary instruments, the band also depends heavily on the use of good old-fashioned vocal harmonies to work their magic. Founded by Droste, the band took its name from an ex-boyfriend and was initially intended as a solo project. Their first album ‘Horn of Plenty’ was positively reviewed by Rolling Stone pushing the boys onward and upwards until their fourth album ‘Shields’ was released through Sheffield, England’s very own Warp Records. ‘Two weeks’ a track from Grizzly Bear’s third album ‘Veckatimest’ which was released back in 2009 and has since sold in excess of 200,000 copies. It provides the sound bed to YouView TV’s latest advertisement depicting a world where everyday television can take you on a trans-dimensional journey.
Link: http://grizzly-bear.net/
Link: https://www.facebook.com/grizzlybear
Link: https://twitter.com/grizzlybear

Katie Herzig
Title: The Closest I Get
Record Co: Downtown
Brand: ITV Drama
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LSydLYK0fo#t=12
Katie Herzig is a Californian singer-songwriter originally from Fort Collins. After a musical upbringing, Herzig honed her craft playing in a band at the University of Colorado whilst studying Journalism. Initially struggling with stage fright Herzig worked her way up from acoustic guitarist to lead vocalist before the group eventually went their separate ways in 2006. At this point, Herzig was already crafting a solo career with a debut solo album ‘Watch Them Fall’ already in circulation. Herzig’s understated vocals and imaginative song writing proved immediately appealing to US music programmers and her tracks were soon included in shows such as Smallville, Grey’s Anatomy and Pretty Little Liars. Now living in Nashville, Tennessee, she has toured with Californian weep-rockers The Fray and in 2007 received a Grammy nomination for Heaven’s My Home, a song co-written with Ruby Amanfu. Away from music, Herzig has also helped raise awareness of female oppression, contributing to a multi-platform media project in 2012. Her work possesses a rare vulnerability and the combination of intricate musicianship and a tendency to turn epic makes for a staggeringly intimate experience. ‘The Closest I Get’ is a track she released through Downtown records which has been being aired in recent ITV Drama trailers.
Link: http://katieherzig.com/
Link: http://www.facebook.com/katieherzigmusic
Link: https://twitter.com/KatieHerzig

Little Dragon
Title: Ritual Union
Record Co: Peacefrog
Brand: Volvo
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iVns7YSNmk
Swedish electro-divas Little Dragon consist of Yukimi Nagano, Erik Bodin, Fredrik Källgren Wallin and Håkan Wirenstrand and hail from originally from Gothenburg, Sweden’s second largest city. The group creates an interesting collection of trip hop, synth-pop and neo soul sounds whilst never straying far from a simplistically invigorating piano figure or bass line. The gang often makes waves with their music videos and worked with award-winning filmmaker Johannes Nystrom on their single ‘Twice’. Old friends from high school, Little Dragon originally released through underground label Off the Wall before moving to the safer lily-padded waters of British Indie PeaceFrog in 2007. Their single ‘Ritual Union’ shares its title with their third album and is used by patriotic Swedish car giant Volvo to advertise their glamorous new motor, the V40 R-Design. With Nagano’s engaging vocal and a bass hook more infectious than small pox, the song provides this automobile with a stylish calling card.
Link: http://little-dragon.net/
Link: http://www.facebook.com/littledragonpage

Passion Pit
Title: Take A Walk
Record Co: Sony Music
Brand: ITV Player
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vivn3rYW4zE
American synth-poppers Passion Pit are Michael Angelakos, Ian Hultquist, Jeff Apruzzese and Xander Singh. These Moog wielding gentleman joined forces in their hometown of Cambridge, Massachusetts in 2007 and all but one attended the Berklee College of Music before their fast rise to fame. Originally consisting of only Angelakos and a laptop, the group grew in number and reputation through numerous performances in the Boston area. With a widespread following fuelled by favourable press reports, the band have frequented British festivals and favoured by alternative radio DJs. Signed to Sony, Passion Pit recently released a second album 'Gosammer' which has been warmly received by most critics. The collection’s lead single ‘Take a Walk’ is currently playing its part in a televised campaign intended to get us using the ITV player on our mobile devices. Upbeat, fresh and relentlessly catchy, the electro-magicians have done themselves proud with this storm of a single which is the perfect soundtrack to I-padded extras watching TV on their tip toes.
Link: http://passionpitmusic.com/
Link: https://www.facebook.com/passionpitofficial
Link: https://twitter.com/passionpit

Purity Ring
Title: Fineshrine
Record Co: 4AD
Brand: Very.co.uk
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2JsW8R5VTo
Purity Ring is the name chosen by Canadian synth poppers Megan James and Corin Riddick, both originally from Edmonton, Alberta. Previously of Born Gold, Roddick started the project following early experimentations with electronic production to which he would later invite James to add vocals. The duo are not only prolific writers but have also released remixes of tracks by such as Lady Gaga, S.C.U.M and Hard Mix as well as a renowned cover of Soulja Boy and Ester Dean’s ‘Grammy’. Riddick uses a custom-built instrument for Purity Ring’s live performances which gives him full control of both lighting and sound. Eye-catching costumes of James’s own design have also proved a talking point at shows and have helped the act earn them a loyal cult following. They released their debut album ‘Shrines’ through 4AD in July 2012 and one of its singles ‘Fineshrine’ has recently been used by Very for their ‘Everyday stylish’ commercial. A surreally chic tapestry of life in stopped motion, the advert’s concept is equally as unusual as Purity Ring’s sound. With flashes of neon set to sawing synths, this a fine example of sound and vision locked together to great effect.
Link: http://purityringsongs.com
Link: http://www.facebook.com/purityringmusic

Sleigh Bells
Title: Rill Rill
Record Co: Mom & Pop Records
Brand: Apple iPhone 5c
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8IAkbWJNfY
Hailing from Brooklyn, New York, Sleigh Bells are Alexis Krauss and Derek Edward Miller. This stylish young duo create what many describe as noise pop but which turns out to be melodically infectious pleasantries wildly tossed together with electronic beats and monstrous guitars. Both members have indie pedigrees since Miller played lead guitar for hard core Poison the Well while Krauss once sang with teeny poppers RubyBlue. The pair started working together following a chance encounter in a restaurant. With numerous releases behind them and currently living under the Mom + Pop Records umbrella, the twosome’s single 'Rill Rill' has found its way onto Apple's latest iPhone 5c campaign. Acoustically driven and melodically colourful, the song would appear to be the right choice as the telecom giant expects to sell over 10.4 million of its new look plasticised handsets this year.
Link: http://www.bitterrivals.us/
Link: https://www.facebook.com/sleighbells
Link: https://twitter.com/sleighbells

Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Title: Runaway
Record Co: Universal Polydor
Brand: Calvin Klein
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0JMFIVzo9c
Bold and unashamedly outspoken, New York City's Yeah Yeah Yeahs consists of Karen O, Brian Chase and Nick Zinner. First formed in 2000, this fearsomely minimalist three-piece mix guitar-driven Pop Rock with just the right amount of Garage Punk. O's idiosyncratic style and charisma provide a unique focal point for the band – her live performances are reportedly as outrageous as her sound – while guitarist Zinner has recently collaborated with Blur’s Damon Albarn and Franz Ferdinand’s Alex Kapranos. Much touted by tastemaking titles NME and Spin, their international touring schedule has included high profile supports with such as The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Björk, The White Stripes and The Strokes. Once fiercely independent, Yeah Yeah Yeahs are now released in the UK on Universal’s Polydor imprint and their 2009 track ‘Runaway’, lifted from their third, Grammy-nominated album ‘It’s Blitz’ is featured in Calvin Klein’s ‘Downtown’ commercial starring actress Rooney Mara and directed by David Fincher. O’s vocal is harrowingly exposed in a verse pinned together by some eerily beautiful piano work. Ebbing, flowing and revealing beauty where it’s not necessarily expected, the track provides the perfect accompaniment to the ad’s black and white aesthetic.
Link: http://www.yeahyeahyeahs.com/
Link: https://www.facebook.com/yeahyeahyeahs
Link: https://twitter.com/YYYs